React and React native differences, a comprehensive review

December 25, 2021
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You have probably heard of the comparison between React vs React Native before. That if you learn one, you will have an easier time working with the other, or that learning React Native does not necessitate learning React, and so on. Undoubtedly, there are various differences between React and React Native. As a result, understanding these distinctions will assist you in making the best decision. In this post, we will offer primary information on React vs React Native, and put it as simply as possible.

Earlier, we had introduced ReactJS, which could expand your knowledge on the topic.

React vs react native, a brief review

React js is a free and open-source front-end library. Facebook first released it in 2011. Its sole purpose was for creating the User Interface of web pages in the JavaScript language. It is now used by tech giants like Netflix, Instagram web, Imgur, Airbnb, and many others.

In 2015, Facebook launched React Native to aid developers more than before. With this framework within a similar environment like React, coders can design native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and UWP using JavaScript.

Before we get into the differences, let’s go over some of React’s advantages in web development.

  • Using ready-made and reusable components
  • Having a virtual DOM
  • Large community support
  • Existence of declarative style in order to write legible and flexible codes
  • Renders in HTML tags
  • Convenience in developing responsive websites. If your web design is behind the times, you can improve an existing software. Our team is familiar with finding the best solution for eCommerce and websites.
  •  High security
  • Full compliance with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rules

If you are interested in web development, then reading our post about python web development could help you as well.

React vs React native
App design with React Native

 React Native development has many advantages, for instance:

  • Accessing platform-specific features and components (such as native widgets)
  • Open source text and better access to code
  • Fast reloading and optimal performance in response to feedback
  • Very suitable for those who specialize in web design
  • Because of the availability of ready-made components, coding time is reduced
  • The presence of a declarative style for writing readable and flexible code

At TwelfthDream, we follow a 6 step process to create any kind of project. Our process is as below,

  1. Discover
  2. Design
  3. Code
  4. Test
  5. Deploy
  6. Maintain

We employ Agile Scrum to divide projects into tasks that improve flexibility and adaptability. We also offer Team As A Service (TAAS) which assists companies with their development needs.


React vs React native
React vs react native differences

JavaScript creates potential similarities, but we can see the fundamental differences between React and React native easily. The similarities between these two can be compared to the similarities between cars and trucks while driving! Cars and trucks share a lot of characteristics. For example, four wheels, doors, windows, and many more. However, someone who knows how to drive a car would find it difficult to drive a truck. As a result, they need to obtain a special truck driver’s license. This is the best example to show the differences between React and React Native. In the following portion of the article, we would like to share some more detailed differences between React and react native. Which will lead to a better understanding of the topic.

Distinctions in the use of React and React Native

During the design phase of a website, the react library is used to run the front-end. This means that React is used for web design. React Native is a framework for creating mobile apps, particularly for Android and iOS (native mobile apps).

Differences in the nature

As it is clear from the initial definition, the second distinction is in the nature of these two. React is actually an open-source library, whereas React Native is a framework. Therefore, you will not have to choose a bundler or set up a web pack at the start of a project.

Security capabilities

The React library has higher layers of security policies than React Native. It is this higher security that makes web pages far more secure than applications. Of course, in the security debate, the final word will be configured and coded by the developers. But in a broad comparison, it is proven that React has more potential security than React Native.

CSS animations

React Native framework has its library to display animated images or CSS animations by default. React uses the JavaScript library to display CSS animations. The Animated API is used to run animations, allowing you to create a variety of animations by simply clicking on an element.

React Native framework enables developers to run any CSS that can be run on the site in the application too. Moreover, the Layout Animation in this framework is provided in a very creative, interesting, and simple way to implement transitions.


The fifth difference between React and React Native is about the rendering method.  While React can render in HTML, React Native does not support HTML for rendering applications. Of course, there is a simpler alternative method in React Native that uses HTML-like alternative components. In this approach, React Native components use the UI components of both iOS and Android operating systems to render the application.

Technically, there are not that many differences. The majority of the available components can be translated into HTML. The View component, for example, is similar to the div tag in HTML, while the Text component is similar to the p tag. But in terms of execution and coding, the two are not very similar. Each will need a coder to learn its principles. Therefore, if you use code snippets or packages prepared in React and for web pages in React Native, you will face errors repeatedly.

Composites Styles

The next difference is in the way the components are styled. The React Native framework is not built for web elements. So, you can not style them in a single way like the react library. Of course, there are alternative ways to meet your needs, and mentioning them will help you understand this difference. The thing is, to style React Native components, you must first create a style sheet in JavaScript that is very similar to CSS but is not actually CSS.

The bottom line

React and React Native are substantial tools for web and app development. Based on the project type and scope one is much more preferable. However, other frameworks and libraries might be more helpful such as Django. You may ask “What’s Django?” It’s a python framework for web development.

At Twelfth Dream, we design products with the latest technological advancements and updates. We have worked with many businesses in Vancouver and beyond. If you are looking for a mobile app development company, you may see our case studies. We will satisfy your development needs with ease.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main difference bet React and React Native?

React is an open-source library while, React Native is a framework. Furthermore, React is used for front-end development and React Native for mobile app development.

What is the main issue for people with a React background who want to learn React Native? The chief problem is coding and syntax similarities but practice makes perfect.

Is React helpful to learn React Native?

Yes, it eases the learning process.

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