How to upload an app on the google play store

October 10, 2021
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In today’s article, we’ll learn how to upload an app on the play store. As more mobile devices hit the market, more people spend time on mobile apps for different reasons. Nowadays, a majority of users find and download applications and games from the Google play store. After deciding between all the app ideas and choosing a mobile app development company to develop the app, the last step is to upload the app onto the play store.

These things are required in order to upload an app onto the play store:

  • The app’s package bundle ID
  • A digital signature certificate (DSC) for the app
  • The APK development files if your program APK is more than 100 MB
  • A Google Play console account with “Play Publisher” rights

Upload app on play store procedure

The procedures for uploading an app on the play store

Here, we provide an easy and intuitive approach to upload your app on the play store.

Preparing info about the app

Before publishing, you should gather snippets of the app’s information, because google play asks for relevant and useful information that helps users fathom what the app is. The detailed information needed is as listed below:

  • A brief description of the app
  • A comprehensive definition of the app
  • Screenshots of the app
  • A high-resolution icon
  • (A) graphic feature
  • A video link to the app
  • The app type

Furthermore, mentioning whether it is a hybrid app or a native mobile app might help some users.

  • The app’s category

While including a graphic feature is optional, you must make all the information above available during the publishing process. After that, log in to the Google console using your publisher play credentials, Then, in the left side menu, select the “create app” icon. Choose the app’s language, name, and input on the following pages.

Watch your step. Pass on accurate information, and Analyze contact info.

Uploading APK file

Uploading the APK file

After completing the fundamental information, you will proceed to the second phase, which is uploading the application files. To begin with, upload the app’s file on the google play store by clicking on the “app releases”. First of all, you should define the publish type. You would select either the beta or the alpha version if you want to collect user feedback and/or if the app was being tested. If the application is ready to launch, then you can click on the “production” icon.

Next, click on the “create release” icon to go to the production page to access where you upload the app, then click “create release.” During this stage, you perform a variety of tasks, including uploading the app’s files. Then :

  1. Click on the “browse files” icon
  2. Add the APK file
  3. Then, to verify and send the publishing info, click on the “Review” icon

If you are keen on entering the google play app, then click on the “OPT-OUT” icon. In addition, complete the content rating survey and finalize the app’s pricing and distribution.

Finalizing the app’s ranking content

The third step to upload an app on the google play store is to respond to a survey. This assists Google in determining whether or not if the app completes any explicit content. Follow the steps below to complete the app’s content rating.

  1. Select “content rating” from the left menu.
  2. Continue by clicking the “continue” button.
  3. Enter and confirm your email address
  4. Choose your apps’ category
  5. Continue to complete the content rating survey
  6. After completing, click on the “save questionnaire” icon
  7. Then, click on calculate rating
  8. Finally click on the “apply rating” icon, and after that, begin the pricing and distribution

The cost of apps varies from city to city and country to country. It usually depends on these factors:

  • The apps’ design service company
  • The type of operating system
  • The programming language the app is coded with
  • The apps’ graphic design
  • The features and characteristics of the application program
  • The operation and execution speed
  • The security level to prevent scam
  • The update capability
  • The support and warranty

Finalizing the pricing

If you want users to pay for the app, you must implement a pricing strategy. Moreover, you can select the desired countries. If you have a general app and want to offer a global version, you can do so. The important thing to remember here is the price of publishing the app on the play store. The price-volume depends on some factors. For example, update availability, high-security level, and running speed influence the app’s publishing cost on google play. Even the type of OS is influential. To finish, go to the pricing and distribution page and complete the following step.

  1. Choose between a paid and free version.
  2. In the ” app availability” icon, select the countries you want your app to be accessible in

If your app contains sensitive content and is not suitable for children under the age of 13, select NO in the “suitable for children” icon. otherwise, select YES. If your app includes advertisement, click YES on the advertisement icon.

Publishing the app

Now that you’ve done everything, the last step to upload the app on the play store is publishing the app and asking users to test your app. Follow the very last steps on the “app releases” icon in the left side panel, then:

  1. Select production management (alpha or beta in case of an early release)
  2. Click on the “edit release” icon
  3. Click on the review
  4. Continue by selecting the “start rollout to production” icon
  5. Finally, click the “confirmation” icon

After doing all these, Google is ready to review your app. If everything is all right and follows Google’s policy, the app would be indicated in the google play. So, the target audience analyzes the app and starts using it.

Google Play Store is not the sole option. You can upload your app on any alternative Android appstores too.

To wrap up

Now, you know the stepping stone to upload an app on play store, but that’s not enough. To achieve greatness and reach a broad audience, deploying application marketing strategies for your new app is substantial. There are over 2 million apps on the play store, so to achieve success, it’s always good to have more eyes on the project.

If you want to improve an existing product or building one, Team As A Service (TAAS) is on your side. At Twelfthdream, our experts help you to win the market.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

What data is included in preparing the app’s information? A short description of the app, some of the app’s screenshots, the app’s icon, a graphic feature, a video link to the app, and a specified program type and category.

How long does it take to publish an app on the play store? There is no exact amount. It often takes between hours and weeks.

How many apps can I upload to play store per day? A maximum of 15 apps.

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